Clark County has a rich Native American History

Some time after the Civil War an Indian agent suggested that Chelatchie Prairie would be a good site for an Indian reservation. That did not happen because settlers soon occupied the prairie precluding such a designation.

Washington State requires an archaeological report for any large commercial building project. PacifiCorp’s report on their hydroelectric plant on the Lewis River is an example.

PacifiCorp owns and operates three hydro electric faculties on the North Fork of the Lewis River in Southwest Washington. As part of the re-licensing process the company is required to perform an Archaeological study of the project area. Here is the section on Native American use of the area.

Julia and Johnny Eyle’s children

Native American History in Louise Tucker’s book Battle Ground In & Around includes Clark County

Louise Tucker’s book Battle Ground In & Around includes Clark County Native American History

Buy Battle Ground In and Around at the Museum’s shop or from Battle Ground’s Literary Leftovers bookstore